As I was researching road length and density by country, I realized India has just recently overtaken USA as the country with the longest length of roads. Below are the top 10 countries by road length.

It surprises me that despite being the largest in terms of road length, India is generally assumed to be one of the lowest rated countries in terms of road infrastructure.
Another interesting fact is that there are lesser number of cars on road (5 crore) in India vs China (35 crores) and USA at 28 crores. In fact, Brazil is also at 4.8 crores with 1/3rd the road length of India.
Also, in terms of commercial vehicles sold in the country, it is far lesser than both USA and China.
So it appears that the road infrastructure is built but the infrastructure management / alignment isn’t there. And if efficiency are improved, with higher per capita income and ability to spend, India should see higher number of cars sold.
The ratio of cars per household is amongst the lowest in the world as well in India. For more articles –